google marketing services

Google was incorporated 21 years ago and has continuously changed and grown over the years, changing our lives as we know it. Google can easily be considered a global archive, storing our history as it is made. With the plethora of information available through their revolutionized search engine, it is safe to say that Google has single-handedly run most printed publications into the ground as it eliminated the need for their existence at all. While Google’s algorithm continues to grow and change, one thing is for sure, the future of Google will bring about unexpected and (sometimes) delightful changes to life as we know it.

Let’s discuss the four ways Google’s future is pertinent to you as a business and help you to find ways to prepare for their growth while better positioning yourself against your competition in the market.

Change #1: Ambient Computing and App Development

Condecco defines ambient computing as, “a term that encompasses many different concepts. At its core, it is the combination of hardwaresoftwareuser experience and machine/human interaction and learning, all of these things becoming the idea of using a computer or internet-enabled device, without necessarily consciously using it.”

In laymen’s terms, Google is trying to incorporate its products everywhere. They are attempting to make sure you use their products in all aspects of your life and have developed such a wide array of technology for every day that you forget that you are in-fact connected to the internet. Whether it is an android device, nest thermostat, smart watches or google home, they are diligently working to ensure they take over the world. Due to Google’s desire to create more devices, they will continually release new products that will help you drive traffic and monetize.

Google is pushing businesses to develop apps. Currently there are 2 million developed aps, 13 million phone users, and 1,518,207,414 websites. When you look at the numbers this way, why haven’t you developed an app already? The market is there and waiting for you, but as you contemplate the idea of app creation, make sure the app you create is android compatible.

So, you decide you want to jump on board with app development, but you are neither a geek or computer professional…so now what? It’s time to find a company that can help raise your business to the top. As you search for a developer, know the basics, check experience and build a relationship with the developer that revolves around open communication. At Momentum3 we are ready to help you turn your app from genius idea into successful reality. We will take your ideas and goals and develop a custom solution on budget that will rock.

Change #2: Ambient Computing and Voice Capable Search

Another way ambient computing is encouraging change is by voice capable searching. Websites are beginning to create voice activated searching. It is estimated that by mid-2020, 30% of all website sessions will be conducted without a screen.

This may make you wonder how that is even possible…but it turns out that voice activated searching allows its users to browse the web/internet without having to scroll through sites on both desktop and mobile devices. We can easily see this technology being the key to successful brands in the future.

We imagine voice capable searching is not something the vision for your website currently includes, but we want to encourage this functionality to be on your radar. Afterall, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one thing, but Voice Engine Optimization is a thing too. Once voice search is added to your website are you prepared to be one of the first sites pulled by Google? We hope so, and at Momentum3 we have the skills to make it possible.

Change #3: Future Generations

Google Classroom is an incredible product that currently provides teachers with the ability to create and grade rubrics, have a more vigorous grade book, and be completely in control of the information provided on their students’ screens while in the classroom. The screens the classroom rely on are found under the name of a Chromebook. Have you ever heard of a Google Chromebook? Chances are if you have a child, niece or nephew, you have. They are extremely affordable, not-to-mention they are all the rage in schools around the country. Currently, 30 million plus students and teachers use them in classrooms.

These numbers indicate that Google devices are infiltrating younger populations lives from the start of their schooling. Children as young as preschoolers use Chromebooks in the classroom on a regular basis. Because of this, it is thus safe to assume that they will continue to rely Google devices as they grow up.

So, what does that mean for your business? It means that your business must stay Google relevant. We will continue this relevancy throughout the next change topic.

Change #4: Google Takes Over Hardware Industry

Though I rely on my Apple iPhone for personal use, the outrages cost that this hardware company charges for new devices never ceases to amaze me. Google, on the other hand, offers high-end devices just like Apple, but they also have an incredible range of lower cost devices that still make a valuable impact. The decision for Google to sell their products in a range that everyone can afford is a smart move. Their goal thus becomes not making as much money as possible on their products, rather ensuring that their products end up in as many users’ hands as possible. It is said that 80-88% of phones sold every quarter are Androids. This is because iPhones are too expensive for the worldwide mass market.

It also ensures that these users utilize google as a search engine and gives them the opportunity to collect money on advertisements as people click on advertised links at the top of their search engine results online. Brilliant, right?

Google is a once-in-a-generation company that is clearly in the driver’s seat behind our world and economy today, with no intention of slowing down. In knowing this, it’s safe to say that rather your business chooses to create a technology derived product, a website or an app; ensure that you are 100% compatible with Google’s technology. In doing this you are guaranteeing yourself customers now and the in the future, as our Google minded youth continue into their adult lives.

The key to successful digital marketing for your business, is ensuring you understand where technology is going (or are working with an agency like Momentum3 Growth who is always looking into the future) and how you can adapt your marketing strategy to stay ahead of the curve and the competition. Are you interested in learning more about how you can insure your business stays at the top? Give us a call today for a free consultation.